Kristiane was raised on a farm, and studied Mathematical-Economics at Århus University, when her body fell apart due to stress at the age of 21. Stress wasn’t understood very well 40 years ago, so she didn’t get any help until she learned that she could get her body-systems back in balance with food, lifestyle and meditation.
This was such an enlightening experience that it changed the course of her life. She left her studies before her masters degree to study food and lifestyle at the Kushi Institute of London.
After she completed her education as a macrobiotic teacher and counselor in 1982 and began counseling and teaching, she quickly realized, that it took more than a miraculous healing for people to be motivated for a healthy lifestyle. In 2001 she developed a new generation of dynamic, systematic and in-depth tools (AIMA) for personal transformation to support people in changing negative habits and mindset. The AIMA concept is based on her deep spiritual experiences and search of tools to recommend her students. They are capable of removing subliminal programming, such as negative self images and old patterns. Once they are gone, a person naturally returns to their innate positive and proactive mindset.
Everybody who has been introduced to the AIMA concept has been impressed, no matter if they have a masters degree in psychology or have been engaged in more alternative disciplines for personal and spiritual development.
Kristiane has primarily been teaching in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and USA. She has managed to make a living from what she loves to do, namely teaching diet, lifestyle and personal development.
Since 2017 she has studied, sociocracy, Ecovillage Design, Permaculture Design and actively in the eco-village movement in Denmark and Europe. She is the
She is a co-founder of Avnø Oasis Ecovillage as well as of Vitalitetsfonden, the foundation, who at the moment owns the property of the project.